Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Firehouse Humor

Years ago, when I was working on a small town ambulance, it was not uncommon for my wife and me to stop at the local grocer to buy food for dinner after a call. I had gone in to get a head of lettuce and some apples. Unknown to me the floor was wet from the newly installed produce sprayers. Down I went, hitting my head hard. When I came to, the manager of the store was sitting beside me telling me not to move, that he had called 911. At the same time my pager went off and he looked at me and asked, “What was that? I said "My pager, I am 911." He looked at me, shocked " Boy, you guys are fast!"

The Ten Commandments of Rolling Code
1. Thou shall treat thy pumper as though it were your firstborn child.
2. Blow thy siren and shine thy light with great vigor enroute.
3. Know where thy goest at all times.
4. Be certain all those in attendance are affixed prior to venturing forth.
5. Thou shall arriveth shiny side up.
6. Be ever so humble when thy mic is keyed.
7. Thou salt not leave thy station 'til thy door is openeth.
8. Thou salt not closeth thy bay door too soon.
9. Thou salt closeth all compartment doors when thou art done.
10. Thou salt never chastise thy driver for making a wrong turn when it results in a return to the firehouse.

Firefighter Terminology
Haligan Tool: Used for breaking headlights
Water Hammer: Used to drive in water nails
Drafting: Following another fire engine really closely on the way to a fire
Backdraft: Drafting on the way back to the station
Ladder Company: Where they make ladders
Flashover: Too many lights on the pumper
Rollover: What you do in the ashes to make your new turnouts look old
Master Stream: The Mississippi River
BLEVE: It was dry when I drove my Chevy there
Mutual Aid: When 4 kids are hurt and there is only 3 band aids, someone is getting Mutual Aid



Anonymous said...

Ha! Thats gr8t!! "Rapid Response" rocks! How true!!!

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